Соединительные местоимения в английском языке: who, what, whose, which. Как и относительные местоимения, они указывают на предшествующее лицо или предмет. Они также выполняют соединительную функцию. В предложении могут выступать в роли подлежащего, сказуемого, дополнения и определения.

This music is exactly what we need for the party (сказуемое)
Эта музыка – как раз то, что нам нужно для вечеринки.

I don’t want to know, whose fault is this (определение)
Я не хочу знать, чья это ошибка.

What you got is just disappointment and regret (подлежащее)
Все, что ты получила, это разочарование и сожаление.

I have no idea what you have come for (дополнение)
Я понятия не имею, зачем ты пришел.

Дополнительные примеры предложений с соединительными местоимениями, уже без перевода:

She has gone to New York, which was her birthplace.
I have seen the bird that you describe.
Mary Brown, who is very generous, gave me these flowers.
The girl who did the mischief should repair it.
The people whom we respect must be honest.
He who does his best should be praised.
The girl to whom you spoke is my cousin.
That is the man whose farm joins ours.

Местоимение в английском языке


English Joke

Two winkies went on a hunting trip. After it began to get dark, they thought it was about time to go home. They unfortunately got lost.
One winkie said to the other, “I read that if you get lost in the woods you should fire three shots in the air. It is supposed to be an “S.O.S.”
So, the second winkie shot three times into the air. After waiting for a few hours, they repeated the signal. They tried it over and over, but nobody came to help them.
Finally, the second winkie said, “O.K., I’ll try again, but we’re running out of arrows!”