The clothing song – полезная песня-словарик в игровой форме.
Изучаем наименования вещей на английском языке: носки, туфли, юбка, брюки и т. д. Слышим как произносится слово и видим как оно пишется.
The clothing song
Текст песни (text, lyrics):
Socks, Pants, Shirt and Shoes
I’m ready for school
Sister how about you?
Socks, Skirt, Shirt and Shoes
I’m ready for school.
Brother how about you?
We’re going to school.
We’re looking cool.
We’re going to school
And we’re looking cool
Scarf, Mittens, Coat and Boots
I’m ready to play
in the snow with you.
Scarf, Mittens, Coat and Boots
Here’s your hat.
Here’s mine too.
We’re ready to go
out in the snow.
We’re ready to go
out in the snow.
This is a uniform.
This is a blouse.
This is a bathrobe.
This is a mouse.
These are glasses.
These are pants.
These are pajamas.
These are ants.
This is a necklace.
socks | [sɔks] | носки |
pants | [pænts] | брюки |
shirt | [ʃə:t] | рубашка |
shoe | [ʃ u:] | туфли |
skirt | [skə:t] | юбка |
scarf | [ska:f] | шарф |
mitten | [‘mit(ə)n] | варежка |
coat | [kəut] | пальто |
boots | [bu:t] | ботинок, сапог |
hat | [hæt] | шапка, шляпа |
uniform | [‘ju:nifɔ:m] | форменная одежда, форма |
blouse | [blauz] | блузка, кофточка |
bathrobe | [‘ba:θrəub] | купальный халат |
pajamas | [pə’ʤa:məz] | пижама pl (мн число) |
necklace | [‘nekləs] | ожерелье |
English Joke
A: So you are distantly related to the family next door, are you?
B: Yes- their dog is our dog’s brother.
First Boy: My brother’s on a seafood diet.
Second Boy: Really ?
First Boy: Yes, the more he sees food the more he eats!