Учим английский с Дженифер

Перед сдвигом глагольного времени в английском языке нужно согласовать подлежащее и сказуемое. Времена не сдвигаются

В остальном, настоящие и будущие времена становятся прошедшими. Прошедшее становится предпрошедшим (прошедшим совершенным), которое в свою очередь не меняется (ибо некуда).

I will buy balloons > She said she would buy balloons
сказала, что купит шарики

I am going to buy balloons > She said she was going to buy balloons
сказала, что собирается купить шарики

I bake cakes > She said she baked cakes
сказала, что печёт пирожки

I am baking a cake > She said she was baking a cake
сказала, что пекла пирожки

I have baked many cakes > She said she had baked many cakes
сказала, что напекла много пирожков

I wrapped the gifts > She said she had wrapped the gifts
сказала, что завернула подарки

I was wrapping the gifts > She said she had been wrapping the gifts
сказала, что заворачивает подарки

I had wrapped the gifts > She said she had wrapped the gifts
сказала, что завернула подарки

I had been wrapping the gifts > She said she had been wrapping the gifts
сказала, что заворачивала подарки


Подставьте недостающие сдвинутые формы в давних утверждениях о Дженифер и сверьтесь с видео.

Today is my daughter’s birthday > Jennifer said that it ___ her daughter’s birthday that day
сказала, что в тот день у её дочери был день рождения

She’s not home right now > Jennifer said that her daughter ___ home at the moment
сказала, что дочери тогда не было дома

I went to the store to buy her a present > Jennifer said that she ___ ___ to the store to buy her daughter a present
сказала, что сходила в магазин за подарком

I decided to buy this dollhouse for her > Jennifer said that she ___ ___ to buy that doll house for her daughter
сказала, что решила купить дочери кукольный домик

I think she’ll be very surprised and happy > Jennifer said that she ___ her daughter ___ ___very surprised and happy
Дженифер сказала, что дочь очень удивится и обрадуется

Другием видео уроки Дженифер


English Joke

In a former generation, when elaborate doctrines were deemed more important by Christian clergymen than they are to-day, they were prone to apply every utterance of the Bible to the demonstration of their own particular tenets. For example, one distinguished minister announced his text and introduced his sermon as follows:

«’So, Mephibosheth dwelt in Jerusalem, for he did eat at the King’s table, and he was lame on both his feet.’

‘My brethren, we are here taught the doctrine of human depravity. – Mephibosheth was lame. Also the doctrine of total depravity—he was lame on both his feet. Also the doctrine of justification – for he dwelt in Jerusalem. Fourth, the doctrine of adoption—’he did eat at the King’s table.’ Fifth, the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints – for we read that ‘he did eat at the King’s table continually.’»